Product Advanced Settings

Product Advanced Settings

There are some advanced settings available in the product syncing configuration:

  1. Override Taxable Flag: When enabled, the items are forced taxable when sent to Shopify, regardless of the item taxable flag in Xoro.

  2. Publish Product: When enabled, the products are published live on the Shopify store when created in Shopify via Xoro.

  3. Allow Overselling: When enabled, customers will be able to place orders on items even when they run out of stock.

  4. Save Item BOM JSON: When enabled, the BOM config JSON is synced to the item metafields.

  5. Match Option Sequence: When enabled, the product option sequence is synced in order from Xoro to Shopify.

  6. Sync Item Metafields: When enabled, the item and product metafields defined in the rows below are sent over to Shopify.

Last updated